讲座人:Dr.Yang Xiao,Professor
Department of Computer Science
The University of Alabama
讲座时间:2015年9月12日 下午 14:05-14:50
讲座地点:澳门永利最老登录入口计算机楼 A521
Flow-Net Accountable Logging and Applications
Accountability implies that any entity should be held responsible for its own specific action or behavior so that the entity is part of larger chains of accountability. One of the goals of accountability is that once an event has transpired, the events that took place are traceable so that the causes can be determined afterward. The poor accountability provided by today’s computers and networks wastes a great deal of money and effort. This is due to the simple fact that today’s computing and network infrastructure was not built with accountability in mind. In this talk we introduce our previous work: accountable logging methodology called flow-net. We apply this methodology to many applications ranging from operating system design to computer networks.
About Prof. Yang Xiao
Dr. Yang Xiao currently is a Professor of Department of Computer Science at the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, USA. His current research interests include networking and computer/network security. He has published over 200 journal papers and over 200 conference papers. Dr. Xiao was a Voting Member of IEEE 802.11 Working Group from 2001 to 2004, involving IEEE 802.11 (WIFI) standardization work. He is a Fellow of IET. He currently serves as Editor-in-Chief for International Journal of Security and Networks, International Journal of Sensor Networks, and Journal of Communications. He had (s) been an Editorial Board or Associate Editor for 17 international journals. He served (s) as a Guest Editor for over 20 times for different international journals. Dr. Xiao has delivered over 30 keynote speeches at international conferences around the world and gave more than 60 invited talks at different international institutes.